Construction industry acronyms - E
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'E'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] E
E&P - Electrical and Power
EA - Each
EA - Employer's Agent
EA - Environment Agency
EA - The Equality Act 2010
EAC - Electronic Access Control
EAC - Estimation At Completion
EAC - Estimated Annual Consumption
EAC - Environmental Audit Committee
EAD - European Assessment Document
EAE - Evidence Analysis and Evaluation
EAHE / EAHX - Earth-Air Heat Exchanger
EAHP - Exhaust-air-source heat-pump
EAI - Employer's Agents Instruction
EAM - Environmental Assessment Method
EANCB - Equivalent Annual Net Cost to Business
EAPC - Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycle
EAS - Enhanced Advisory Service
EAS - Enterprise Allowance Scheme
EAS - Evacuation Alert System
EASE - Estimation and Assessment of Substance Exposure
EAT - Employment Appeals Tribunal
EAZ - Education Action Zone
EB - External Beam
EbD - Enquiry by Design
EBIT - Energy, Building, Industry, and Transport
EBSSA - Engineering and Building Services Skills Authority
EC - Embodied Carbon
EC - Eurocode
EC - European Commission
ECA - Engineering Critical Assessment
ECA - Enhanced Capital Allowance
ECaaS - Energy Calculation as a Service
ECB - Electricity Control Box
ECC - Engineering and Construction Contract
ECCS - Emergency Core Cooling System
ECD - Enhanced Construction Detail
ECI - Early Contractor Involvement
ECI - Enquiry Confirmation Instruction
ECI - Export Credit Insurance
EcIA - Ecological Impact Assessment
ECIS - EC Insurance Services Limited
ECITB - Engineering Construction Industry Training Board
ECL - Equivalent concentrated load
ECML - East Coast Main Line
ECMS - Engineering Content Management System
ECO - Energy Company Obligation
ECO3 - The third version of the Energy Company Obligation
ECOIN - European Core Inventory
ECS - Empty Coaching Stock
ECSC - Engineering and Construction Short Contract
ECTS - European Credit Transfer System
ED&I - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
EDC - Extra Deep Flange [British Gypsum]
EDCL - Extra Deep CurveLiner [British Gypsum]
EDF - Environmental Defense Fund
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
EDI - Equality Diversity And Inclusion
EDMOs - Empty dwelling management orders
EDMS - Electronic Document Management System
eDNA - Environmental Dna
EDPM - Evolutionary design process model
EDR - Energy Demand Reduction
EDTA - Ethylene Diaminetetraacetic Acid
EE - Embodied Energy
EE - Energy Efficiency
EEA - European Economic Area, the member states of the EU and the European Free Trade Association countries; Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
EECS - Electrical Equipment Certification Service
EEH - England's Economic Heartland
EEIG - European Economic Interest Groupings
EEL - Emergency Exposure Limit
EEM - Energy Efficiency Measure.
EER - Emergency Evacuation and Rescue
EER - Energy Efficiency Rating / Energy Efficiency Ratio
EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio
EER - Evacuation, Escape and Rescue
EER - Experience Exchange Report
EERA - Evacuation, Escape and Rescue Assessment
EESS - Electrical Energy Storage Systems
EEU - Expected Energy Unserved.
EF - Each Face
EFA - Education Funding Agency
EFA - Effective Floor Area
EFC - Equivalent Firm Capacity
EFR - Enhanced Frequency Response
EFT - Earliest Finish Time
EfW - Energy From Waste
EGL - Energy Grade Line
EGL - External Ground Level
EGP - Enhanced Ground Plane
EGT - Equivalent Gross Tonnage
EH - English Heritage
EHO - Environmental Health officer
EHOB - Extra-Heavy Oil and Bitumen
EHP - Environmental Health Practitioner
EHRC - Equality And Human Rights Commission
EHS - Exceptional Hardship Scheme
EHSR - Essential Health and Safety Requirement
EIA - Electronic Industries Association
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
EICR - Electrical installation condition report
EIFS - Exterior Insulation Finishing System
EINA - Equalities Impacts Needs Assessment
EINECS - European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
EIR - Employer's Information Requirements
EIR - Environmental Impact Rating
EIR - Exchange Information Requirements
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EJ - Expansion Joint
EL - Electrical (plan)
EL - Elevation
EL - Employer's liability insurance
EL - Existing Level
ELC - European Landscape Convention
ELCB - Earth Leakage circuit Breaker
ELCI - Employers' Liability Compulsory Insurance
ELEC - Electrical
ELEV - Elevation
ELF - Extra Low Frequency
ELINCS - European List of Notified Chemical Substances
ELM - Environmental Land Management
ELO - Enforcement Liaison officer
ELP - Emergency Lighting Panel
ELS - Entry Level Stewardship
ELT - Emergency Liaison Team
ELV - Extra-Low Voltage
EM - Electricity Meter
EM - Electromagnetic
EM - Explanatory Memorandum
EMA - Employment Medical Adviser
EMAS - Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
EMB - Ethnic minority owned business
EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility (directive)
EMC - event mean concentration
EMF - Electromagnetic Field
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
EML - Expanded Metal Lath
EMP - Environmental Management Plan
EMR - Elastomeric in Metal Runners
EMR - Electricity Market Reform
EMRS - Electricity Market Reform Settlement
EMR - Electromagnetic Radiation
EMR - Environmental Minimum Requirements
EMR - Extended Metropolitan Regions
EMRO - Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Orders
EMS - Environmental Management System
EMU - Electrical Multiple Unit
EN - European Standard (Euro Norm)
ENA - Electricity Networks Association
ENG - Environmental Net Gain
EnMS - Energy Management System
ENSO - El Niño-Southern Oscillation
ENTR - Entrance
EO - Ethylene Oxide
EO - Executive officer
EOI - Expression of Interest
EOL - End of Life
EOQ - Economic Ordering Quantity
EOR - Environmental Outcomes Report
EOT - Extension of Time
EOTA - European Organisation for Technical Assessment
EOU - End-of-Use
EOW - End-of-Waste
EPA - Environmental Protection Act
EPA - Environmental Protection Act 1990
EPBD - Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
EPBR - Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations
EPC - Energy Performance Certificate
EPC - Energy Performance Contracting
EPC - Engineer Procure Construct
EPC - Engineering, Procurement & Construction
EPCM - Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management
EPD - Environmental Product Declaration
EPDM - Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
EPG - Environmental Protective Glazing
EPIC - Electronic Product Information Co-operation
EPO - Environmental Protection Officer
EPO - European Patent Organisation
EPOCH - European Programme On Climatology and Natural Hazards
EPP - Environmentally Preferred Product
EPP - Expanded Polypropylene
EPR - Extended Producer Responsibility
EPR_{NC} - Energy Performance Ratio for New Constructions
EPS - Environmental Performance Statement
EPS - Environmental Planning Statement
EPS - European Protected Species
EPS - Expanded Polystyrene
EPS - External Power Supply
EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EPUK - Environmental Protection Uk
EQ - Equal
EQIA - Equality Impact Assessment
EQS - environmental quality standard
EQSD - Environmental Quality Standards Directive (2008/105/EC)
ER - Exposed Run
ERB - Employer Representative body
ERC - Elastomeric Roof Coating
ERC - External Reflected Component
ERDF - European Regional Development Fund
EREC G99 - Engineering Recommendation G99
ERG - Efficiency and Reform Group
ERG - Environmental Reporting Guidelines
ERIC - Eliminate Reduce Inform Control
ERIC - Eliminate Reduce Isolate Control
ERICC - European Portfolios Initiatives Co-ordination Committee
ERP - Emergency Response Pack
ERP - Enterprise resource planning
ERP - Establishments open to the public
ERTMS - European Rail Traffic Management System
ERV - Energy Recovery Ventilators
ESA - Environmentally Sensitivel Area
ESB - Electricity Supply Board
ESC - Electricity Supply Company
ESD - Emergency Shutdown Device
ESEER - European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio
ESF - Environmental Street Furniture
ESFR - Early Suppression Fast Response
ESG - Environment Social Governance (Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance)
ESH - Electric Surface Heating
ESO - Energy System Operator
ESOS - Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
ESP - Electrostatic Precipitator
ESP - Energy Skills Partnership
ETA - European Technical Approval
ETA - European Technical Assessment
ETAG - Guideline for European Technical Approval
ETAHE - Earth To Air Heat Exchanger
ETCS - European Train Control System
ETFE - Ethylenetetrafluoroethylene
ETICS - External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems
ETL - Enrich the Lists
ETP - Energy Technology Perspectives
ETPL - Energy Technology Product List
ETS - Emissions Trading Scheme
ETS - Emissions Trading System
ETS - Energy Transfer Station (see District Heating)
ETS - Environmental Tobacco Smoke
EU - ETS - European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
EU - Ets European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
EUI - Energy Use Intensity
EUQ - Element Unit Quantities
EUR - Element Unit Rates
EUROTL - European Road Object Type Library
EUS - Extensive Urban Survey
EUT - Extensive Urban Survey
EUTR - EU Timber Regulation
EUTR - European Union Timber Regulation
EV - Earned Value
EV - Electric Vehicle.
EVA - Earned Value Analysis
EVA - Ethylene Vinyl Acetate
EVC - Emergency Voice Communication
EVCP - Electric Vehicle Chargepoint
EVM - Earned Value Management
EVMS - Earned Value Management System
EWI - External Wall Insulation
EWL - Euston to Watford Line
EWP - Engineered Wood Product
EWRL - East West Rail Line
EWS - Early Warning System
EWS - External Wall System
EWS1 - External Wall System fire certificate
EX - Existing (plan)
EX - out of; from
EXCO - Executive Committee
EXPP - Existing Patched and Painted
EXT - Exterior
EZ - Enterprise Zone
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